Ed Practices Papers
A highly successful series assists practitioners to improve practice through the provision of short publications which present the results of well–established bodies of research in easy–to–read booklets. Titled the Educational Practices Series, it is coordinated by Stella Vosniadou and is published and distributed through a cooperative arrangement with the International Bureau of Education (IBE) in Switzerland. The booklets may be freely reproduced. The titles in the series are:
35. Curriculum Matters: What Teachers Should Know and Do by William Schubert
34. Education and Covid-19: Recovering from the shock created by the pandemic and building back better by Fernando M. Reimers
33. Teaching How to Learn: Setting the stage for lifelong learning by Stella Vosniadou
32. Philosophy for children by Keith J. Topping, Steve Trickey, and Paul Cleghorn
31. Math Anxiety by Denes Szűcs and Irene C. Mammarella
30. Proportional reasoning by Van Dooren, W., Vamvakoussi, X. & Verschaffel, L.
29. Accountable Talk: Instructional dialogue that builds the mind by Resnick, L., Asterhan, C. & Clarke, S.
28. Guiding Principles for Learning in the Twenty-first Century by Hughes, C & Acedo, C
27. Task, Teaching and Learning: Improving the quality of education for economically disadvantaged students by Anderson, L & Pešikan, A
26. Understanding and facilitating the development of intellect by Demetriou, A & Christou, C
25. Nurturing creative thinking by Kampylis, P & Berki, E
24. Emotions and Learning by Pekrun, R
23. Effective Pedagogy in Social Sciences by Sinnema, C. and Aitken, G.
22. Teaching Fractions by Fazio, L. & Siegler, R.
21. Principles of Instruction by Rosenshine, B.
20. Teaching Other Languages by Bernhardt, E.
19. Effective Pedagogy in Mathematics by Anthony, G., & Walshaw, M.
18. Teacher Professional Learning and Development by Timperley, H.
17. Teaching Science by Staver, J.R.
16. Creating a Safe and Welcoming School by Mayer, D.E.
15. Using New Media by Chung–wai Shih, C., & Weekly, D.E.
14. Teaching Speaking, Listening and Writing by Wallace, T., Stariba, W.E., & Walberg, H.J.
13. Promoting Pre–School Language by Lybolt, J., & Gottfred, C
12. Teaching Reading by Pang, S., & Muaka, A., & Bernhardt, E., & Kamil, M.
11. Academic and Social Emotional Learning by Elias, M.
10. Motivation to Learn by Boekaerts, M.
9. Preventing HIV/AIDS in Schools by Schenker, I.
8. Preventing Behaviour Problems: What Works by Foster, S.L., Brennan, P., Biglan, A., Wang, L., & al–Ghaith, S.
7. How Children Learn by Vosniadou, S.
6. Teaching Additional Languages by Judd, E.L., Tan, L., & Walberg, H.J.
5. Tutoring by Topping, K.
4. Improving Student Achievement in Mathematics by Grouws, D.A., & Cebulla, K.J.
3. Effective Educational Practices by Walberg, H.J., & Paik, S.J.
2. Parents and Learning by Redding, S.
1. Teaching by Brophy, J.
Some of these titles are available in other languages from the IBE Website.
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The following individuals are the members of the Editorial Board for the Education Practices Booklet Series:
- Lorin Anderson, University of South Carolina, USA
- Maria de Ibarrola, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico
- Stella Vosniadou, National and Capodistrian University of Athens, Greece
- Simona Popa (IBE)
- Mmantsetsa Marope (IBE)